No Pink Spandex » Rick Medina

Rick Medina

Rick Medina is no more on Facebook. Rick Medina is gone. He has forever left us without a trace. He will be missed…until he shows up on Power Rangers Samurai.

Who is Rick Medina? Don’t you know he’s the superstar Ricardo Medina, Jr. (Cole from Power Rangers Wild Force)? How dare you not know about his follies with his co-stars Hector David, Jr., Najee De-Tiege, and Brittany Pirtle? How dare you call yourself a fan by not saving every single one of their New Zealand excursions captured digitally for our enjoyment? How dare you sit there and not parse every Facebook status that led us closer and closer to the Promise Land that is…Ricardo. Medina. Jr.!? Sorry, I have misspoken. Rick Medina.

Rick Medina graced us with his wit and charm, and after he burned every single shirt he ever owned, he is no longer with us. In cyberspace. What will we ever do without Rick? I can hear him now, warning me to “STOP!” from a mile away after he’s taken his time to stop as well. I can see him now, riding majestically through the anus of a giant serpent. That’s how it’s done. I grieve for my loss, but not for long.

Rick Medina, you will rise again and give forth your excellence to the masses. You will surpass your predecessors. You will triumphantly look down upon the weak. So until you return, I will disseminate to the laymen and let them know of your legacy thus far. No matter how much they try to fight the inevitable, Rick Medina will never give up.

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