No Pink Spandex » Never-Before-Seen! Mariska Hargitay in “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie”

Never-Before-Seen! Mariska Hargitay in “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie”

Before Gabrielle Fitzpatrick played Dulcea in “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie”, there was Law and Order: SVU’s own Mariska Hargitay. For whatever reason, Mariska left, and we’d never seen any footage or pictures of her playing the role…until now.

EDIT (3:11pm ET): The reason behind Mariska Harigtay’s departure was that Gabrielle Fitzpatrick was ill. Fitzpatrick was always the original Dulcea, but when she got ill, Hargitay took her place. Then when Fitzpatrick regained her health, she came back to become Dulcea once again.

Mariska Hargitay (left), Gabrielle Fitzpatrick (right)
(Picture courtesy: Henshin Vault)

Mariska Hargitay as Duclea with the cast of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie.
(Picture courtesy: Henshin Vault)

Mariska Hargitay as Duclea with Steve Cardenas as Rocky, the Red Ranger.
(Picture courtesy: Henshin Vault)

To find out more about the props that were made for the movie, including lots of pictures, and just an all-around behind-the-scenes look, then read more of Henshin Vault’s blog entry on his visit to the Stick and Stones studio. It’s a good read!

(Courtesy: Henshin Vault)

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[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lisa J and Sharmaine. Sharmaine said: Two worlds collide: Detective Benson in "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie", via @nopinkspandex! Wowser. <3 [...]

Tweets that mention No Pink Spandex -- added these pithy words on Sep 25 09 at 7:16 pm

[...] fotos da Mariska foram publicadas no site “No Pink Spandex” (com o site Henshin Vault) , inclusive revelando o mascote que a personagem teria e foi [...]

JWave #86: Power Rangers – O filme | JWave added these pithy words on Apr 03 12 at 8:05 am

I swear, I don’t know if I can watch Law & Order: SVU in the same way ever again! :P
The versatility between the two roles is just, wow. But I guess that’s what you’d call quality acting!
Thank you for sharing this! :)

Sharmaine added these pithy words on Sep 25 09 at 7:20 pm

I just realised how 1990s these pictures are. I mean, teens training in martial arts, setting off to an unknown planet, their guide a lady dressed like Xena: Warrior Princess?! I feel so lucky to have been born in the right decade! Haha 90s forever!!

Sharmaine added these pithy words on Sep 25 09 at 7:24 pm

Wow, Mariska’s outfit had a lot more detail in it, right? She looks very different from Gabrielle, and I wonder what her scenes were like. And what’s that weird elephat looking thing sitting next to Billy on the second pic?

Shirley added these pithy words on Sep 25 09 at 7:53 pm

Wow! Those are some really nice HQ pics for being buried all these years. Great find! Thanks for sharing.

K-Mo added these pithy words on Sep 25 09 at 10:36 pm

Wow, Mariska’s just popping out of that thing!

puperazzi added these pithy words on Sep 26 09 at 3:17 pm

if people search for the mighty morphin power rangers movie page on wikipedia and look for the link external links: What REALLY happened: the first MMPR Movie, it will tell explain about he pics here. its really quite interesting and sad how the production went and how we could have had a much better movie.

kabashii added these pithy words on Dec 09 09 at 6:24 pm

Wow, I wonder if those movie would’ve changed her landing future roles. I mean, history shows us that, for the most part, actors who appear in Power Rangers don’t normally go on to land roles bigger than their role in PR. Of course, there are a few exceptions.

But I wonder if Mariska would’ve gone on to land her Golden Globe & Emmy Award-winning role in Law & Order: SVU if she had been in this movie.

Thanks for posting this!

Peter added these pithy words on Dec 29 09 at 11:40 pm

I wonder when we’ll get a proper release of the film…period. I’m not saying it was awful (I LOVED THE MOVIE!) but I would’ve wanted to know more about the production than the 5 minutes that were dedicated to that on the DVD. Blu-Ray TCFHE?? :D

Christian Lainez added these pithy words on May 11 10 at 1:38 am